Thursday 26 September 2013

Meet The Team!

In the last few months there have been a number of changes to All About You. The business has grown drastically, not just in the size of the studio but also through the addition of a new fitness class timetable and our wellbeing clinic.

Here's how our team looks today...

David Osgathorp

David set up All About You in 2006 with the idea of creating a holistic health centre that delivers a unique experience and an unrivalled personal service to our clients. After seven years and many additions to the original business I feel that I have now constructed an excellent team of individuals to offer the ultimate health and wellbeing package.

James Hutchison

Combining over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry with a Psychology degree has allowed James to develop a unique Personal Training style which focuses not only on health and well being, but on goal setting, motivation and long term behaviour change for weight loss.

Nick Palma

Sports Therapist Nick, specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. With a wealth of experience in both clinical and health & fitness environments, Nick enjoys using the latest corrective exercise techniques to provide pain prevention solutions for all his clients.

Dan Humphries

Fat Loss Specialist, Dan has designed our One to One Bootcamp Programme which combines a mix of sweat, challenges and a topping of fun to deliver exceptional results. He is our resident nice guy and will also ensure you have a five star experience at the studio in his role as Studio Manager.

Benjamin Cooper

Holistic Lifestyle Coach Benjamin understands that the human body works PHYSICALLY (movement), EMOTIONALLY (Hormonal) and CHEMICALLY (Nutrition). His approach addresses sleep patterns, stress levels, nutrition, and movement to not only improve his clients quality of life but educate them on the best choices to make.

 Paul Ranson

Natural Movement Coach, Paul aims to address our body’s optimal health and alignment which is compromised on a daily basis. His approach teaches clients to move with efficiency and skill while following his philosophy of having fun and enjoying movement to achieve sustainable fitness. He has worked successfully with this approach in London, Spain and Kenya.

Tony Wilson

Performance Coach Tony has a no nonsense approach to training. He lives and breathes health and fitness and delivers exceptional results to his clients. He specialises in strength training, fat loss and nutrition. With many years of experience he understands the importance of keeping clients motivated and on track to achieving their goals.

James Lockyer
Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation Specialist James has a unique approach to training. He uses a variety of release techniques and corrective exercise methods to create strong foundations to reduce pain and improve everyday function. He is a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic trainer and a great addition to the All About You Team.

Stephen Sacks

Harley Street Osteopath Stephen has a simple approach: Find it, fix it and leave it alone but maintain it and give you the tools to make sure it does not come back. In order to do this, he uses a variety of methods from osteopathy, acupuncture/dry needling, sports taping and electrotherapy.

Stephen is now working at the studio on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

Antonia Ptohides

Pilates Instructor Antonia started ballet at the age of 10 and she has since gone on work as a professional dancer and complete an MA in Movement Studies. Antonia acknowledges the original form of the Pilates Method, and applies his principals in her classes. Her classes give adherence to core stability and body awareness and emphasise spinal and pelvic alignment, coordination and body balance.

 Tanya Kalides

Tanya is a keen and enthusiastic trainer whose interest in health and fitness began whilst studying human biology at Loughborough University. She believes in training hard whatever your fitness level. Her sessions are always energetic varied and challenging!

Tanya will be heading up our new fitness classes at All About You from September.

Simone Woolerton

Female weight loss specialist Simone has a passion for movement and fitness. She has a wealth of skills in teaching Kettlebells, TRX, Aerobics,Yoga and Boxing to name a few! Her training sessions take you beyond your physical limits and her creative and motivating training sessions and classes make her a much loved instructor.

Alex Neilsen

Sports Massage Therapist Alex, has experience working for the Whittington hospital and Hampstead Rugby Club. Alex first learnt massage in Thailand where he studied Thai massage and elbow massage and has continued his studies and practice 
specialising in Sports Massage.

Christine Nielsen

Christine is a specialist in Pregnancy Massage, Baby Yoga and Baby / Infant Massage Therapist. She originally trained in Thailand where she discovered the importance of regular massage and a hands on approach towards teaching.
Christine teaches the Infant & Baby Massage Diploma & Baby Yoga Diploma's as well as workshops on Pregnancy & Labour Massage.

For more information on any of our practitioners please Contact Us at the studio.