Sunday 7 October 2012

Why haven’t you tried Pilates yet?

Joseph Pilates first introduced his concept to the world in 1910! Any exercise routine that is still getting amazing results over 100 years later must have something about it!! Our Pilates programme is really taking off at the studio now and if you’re wondering how it can help you here are a few reasons why we think you should give it a try...

It’s not just for your abs.
Pilates stretches and challenges every muscle allowing you to tone, strengthen and firm those tough to reach parts!

It’s great for stress relief
Pilates allows you to feel calmer, sleep better and be more relaxed. It improves your immune system and also lowers your blood pressure.

Pilates reduces the risk of injury
The movements involved in Pilates work every muscle group creating greater core strength and thereby reducing injury in other sports and day to day activities.

It improves you posture
Good posture doesn’t just make you look taller and slimmer, 
it will prevent neck pain, back pain, it allows for improved 
movement and also reduces referred pain throughout the body.

It improves your breathing

Joseph Pilates once said “Inefficient breathing lies at the root of poor health.” An inability to use oxygen sufficiently places unnecessary stress on the body and not being able to properly expel carbon dioxide creates an acidic environment in which disease and ill health thrive.

It’s not just for girls!
It appears that women are more aware for the benefits of Pilates, but guys, I have to tell you, you’re missing out...  Although our core training beliefs at All About You are very similar to those of Pilates we all still certainly feel the affects of one of Antonia or Blanca’s classes!

So what are you waiting for?
We now have seven mat classes per week, 10 small group reformer sessions each week as well as numerous one to one sessions at the studio in Highgate. You can view our class time table HERE or CONTACT US to arrange a free trial.

“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 sessions you will see the difference and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body” Joseph Pilates

Saturday 6 October 2012

Not another fad diet?!!

Everyday we are faced with so many ideas and opinions on the best way to lose weight, get into amazing shape and feel great. As fitness professional my team and I are questioned by our clients constantly about diet X or workout plan Y.

I believe it is our job to dig into all of the confusing and conflicting advice and to provide a simple approach that our clients can easily adhere to!

At All About You we keep things simple. We don’t like fad diets and quick fix solutions we believe in eating clean and moving in the right way and then moving more!

The simple facts that we promote to enjoy a healthy life are:

1.       Move more
2.       Drink more water
3.       Eat more vegetables
4.       Keep starchy carbs to a minimum
5.       Always chose real foods over supplements.
6.       The biggest one of all for me... Avoid Sugar whenever possible!

Simply put, Fat doesn’t make you fat sugar does!

Take a look a this great video which perfectly explains the role that sugar plays in not only making us fat but seriously stressing the pancreas and affecting the regulation of insulin and leptin – the hormone that tells our brain when we’ve had too much to eat!

Sugar is added to so much food and we are constantly lied to by marketers about how healthy for us their products are. Low fat alternatives or 99% fat free products are generally full of sugar. We need more information like this to make us all aware of what sugar actually does to our bodies