Monday 29 November 2010

Surviving A Night Out On Killer Heels!

It’s Christmas party season and for the girls out there that means digging out the little party dress and the high heels and can mean coming to visit us at the studio with knee, ankle or lower back pain.

High heels may look great on but the damage they can do to your posture, lower back and lower limbs is pretty scary. The heels shift the position of your hips causing them to tilt forward put extra pressure on the muscles of your lower back and tightening the calves, the Achilles tendon, the hip flexors and the muscles and fascia of your feet.

But fear not! We are here to help you look fantastic at your Christmas party without the painful side effects…

Here is your High Heel Survival Stretch Programme!

The Arch Stretch
Wearing heels causes the muscles in the foot to shorten and tighten.
Applying downwards pressure whilst you roll the golfball along the foot can help to stretch out those tight muscles and release any knots that have formed.
It may hurt a bit but it’s worth it, a bit like wearing your heels!

Hip Flexor Stretch
Place knee on floor with the other foot out to the front. Tuck the hips forward, squeeze the buttocks and feel the stretch through the top of the thigh and into the hips.

Hold each stretch for about 20 seconds x 1-2 per day

Calf Stretch
Stand on the edge of a step.
Drop your heel toward the floor off the step, keeping the legs straight
Hold for about 20 seconds or until the tension eases off.

This simple programme will take you two minutes to complete but will relieve the painful effects of wearing high heels - I follow this all of the time and happily totter around in my heals on a Saturday night!!

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