Wednesday 8 June 2011

Seven Reasons To Detox

Detoxing has received mixed messages in the press in recent years. Unfortunately there is a lack of understanding as to how proper detox programmes can benefit every individual not only from a weight loss angle but also in their general health and wellbeing. There are always extreme approaches to every health procedure but a sensible detox programme doesn’t need to involve a week of water, beetroot juice and 2 colonics a day!
This can be done very safely, sensibly and leave you feeling amazing!
So why should you detox?
Improved Quality of Life

Sadly many of us just simply put up with poor health. We live with joint pain, headaches and poor digestion for years unnecessarily. It doesn’t need to be this way! Even issues such as poor memory, energy levels and mood can be improved when we are able to restore the body’s health and vitality.

When we detox, we allow body to use its energy to restore and repair cells, organs and systems that need to be repaired which leaves us much stronger afterwards. Did you know that 50% of our daily energy level is used for digestion? When we detox there is much more available energy for the body’s internal ability to “fix” what needs to be “fixed”!

To Prevent Chronic Disease
Free radicals are present in all living cell and are a part of the cell processes. However excessive free radicals in our cells can attack the cell membranes causing cell and tissue damage and leading to conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cataracts, strokes and many more. There is more and more research into the benefits of alkalizing the body as it is known that cancer cells cannot grow in an alkaline environment. With a detox the PH of the body moves from more acidic to more alkaline!

For Anti-Aging Benefits
As previously mentioned, free radicals and heavy metals attack the body sometimes causing irreparable damage internally and externally. Detoxing rids the body of free radicals and heavy metals allowing it to better absorb nutrients including anti-oxidants and vitamins which are essential for fighting oxidative stress – one of the biggest factors in premature aging.
Weight Loss
The simple theory of calories in verses calories out simply doesn’t work! If someone’s digestive system isn’t functioning properly they won’t lose weight! FACT!

A detox programme allows the body to get rid of toxins stored in fat cells and as water weight. When the body eliminates these toxins the water weight disappears and it is common to lose inches of fat, often around the middle.

Strengthen your Immune System
Toxins stress the immune system and also drain the body of energy trying to eliminate them leaving our immune system weakened. This leaves us open to colds, flu and other more serious ailments. Performing a regular detox allows us to strengthen the immune system and fight off infection. Strengthening the immune system also reduces the body’s inflammatory response to external allergens such as pollen and other airborne allergens as well as reduced sensitivities to additives in food, wheat, lactose and other common food allergens.

Create Body Balance
The body’s systems were designed to work in harmony with one another. The nervous system, endocrine and digestive systems perform precise operations to keep us functioning at our optimal level. When these systems fall out of balance our health is compromised.
A detox restores balance to the body allowing us to function properly. Our mood is drastically improved, sleep patterns return to normal and we actually feel rested. It allows the digestive system to function properly, expelling waste immediately and preventing the buildup of toxins.
Remove Toxins and Parasites from the Body

Long term exposure to toxins can affect cell growth, behaviour and immune response and the only way to combat this is through a programme of elimination.

Parasites are also common issues affecting proper digestion. They find their way into our bodies via skin or oral ingestion and they feed on our supplies depriving us of vitamins, nutrients and amino acids.

Heavy metal toxicity and parasites can cause numerous disruptions to the blood, lymph, heart, liver, eyes, brain and joints that conventional medicine often fails to diagnose. A simple consultation can detect any issues with parasites and treat them accordingly.

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