Monday 9 November 2015

Top Ten Habits of Healthy People

We're on the countdown to the Christmas Party season. Somehow 2015 is nearly over, how has it been for you? If your goal at the start of the year was to achieve some amazing fitness goals, feel really good about yourself and look great naked let me explain how.

It’s easy to get lost in the various fad diets that appear on the market and confused by the latest fitness trends. The truth is that most diets DON’T work and most fitness programmes WILL work if they are just followed consistently.

The real key to achieving your goals is to create really good habits that can allow you to consistently perform at your best. Don't be like everyone else and make some empty promises to yourself on 1st January, start getting into great habits now!

Here are ten great habits of healthy people...

1. Exercise
If we all moved a bit more then we’d all feel a lot better about ourselves! Don’t focus on the end goal, just start off with creating a routine. If you decide you’re going to run a marathon this year but the thought of getting started fills you with dread you’re probably going to give up on your goal quite quickly.
In an ideal world I would advise that you try to move in some way every day, but try this as a goal for this year…

I recommend that you aim for 150 workouts in 2015. Get to the gym or put on your running shoes three times EVERY week for the whole year and I guarantee you will be looking and feeling so much better in 12 months’ time!

2. Make a plan
Failing to plan is planning to fail!
Nothing happens until we decide it’s going to happen and if you make a commitment with yourself then you need to get in the habit of fulfilling that commitment each week.
Don’t see it as a chore. If you have a meeting with your boss at 9am every Monday morning then you know you have to show up. Make the appointments with yourself even more of a priority!

3. Get some sleep.
Sleep is vital to a healthy lifestyle. You can survive on four hours sleep per night but your body won’t thank you for it. Create an environment that will allow you to switch off: No television, no mobile phones, keeps the room dark and at a comfortable temperature and most importantly invest in a great bed, you spend a third of our life there, look forward to getting in it! In just a few weeks’ time you will be one of those really annoying bouncy early morning people! ;-)

4. Meditate.
The thought of switching off from the outside world and switching in to you is one that scares most people. Just find a quiet place to relax and switch off your mind and focus on taking deep breaths for 5-10 minutes and it will allow you to switch from a re-active state to very proactive and in control person.

5. Listen to music.
Listening to your favourite artist or to a song that takes you to your “happy place” can really put a smile on your face, be an amazing stress reliever and also a great way to get you “in the zone” for your training sessions.

6. Get up early.
Make an appointment with yourself every morning. Don’t press the snooze button, get up, have a pint of water, have a high protein breakfast, go for a walk, take five minutes to plan a great day and head off to work with plenty of time to spare. I guarantee you will have an amazing day! Now imagine what you could achieve if you did this every day?!

7. Avoid alcohol.
After a stressful day the perfect way for most people to unwind is with a nice glass of wine, right? The odd glass now and then won’t do too much harm but binge drinking and a dependency on alcohol is a recipe for disaster. Love life, have fun, just don’t be dependent on anything to make you happy!

8. Laugh more.
Don’t take life too seriously, laughter really is the best medicine to unwind, de-stress and have fun. The therapeutic effects of a good giggle can decrease your stress hormones, increase your “feel good” endorphin levels and allow you to release your frustrations and boost your self-esteem. So dig out that comedy DVD or give your funniest friend a call.

9. Have sex!
There are many benefits to a good sex life. Having fun and really being in the moment with your other half is an incredible way to unwind. People who have a great sex life are happier and less stressed!

10. Act like a kid
Life was much less complicated when we were kids and sometimes we forget that just because we’ve grown up doesn’t mean we can’t still act like a kid! Work, relationships and even your training sessions can become tedious and dull quite easily. Make these things more fun, playful and enjoyable and you’ll get so much more from each of them!


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